

Call Now For Bat Removal and Exclusion 919.356.7580



Bats are a common invader of homes and businesses. In the wild they roost in natural made cavities like hollow trees or caves but in urban environments attics and chimneys make perfect daytime roosting sites before going out at night to feed.

Bats are beneficial creatures that eat mosquitoes and other small insects, but once inside a structure their rapid production of feces (called guano) causes a number of issues including damaging attic insulation and terrible odors. Guano puts humans at risk to fungal infections such as Histoplasmosis. 

In North Carolina common species of bats found in structures include the Brazilian or Mexican Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis), the Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus), and the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus). 

Removal and Exclusion

Wildman Wildlife Removal will come to your home and identify the main points of entry. Using our thorough process we exclude them from your home with no harm to the bats, sealing up all potential entry points so they cannot return. We then remove all guano and contaminated insulation, sanitize and deodorize the affected areas, and replace insulation if needed. Our Biological Enzyme kills odor causing bacteria.